You Are Created for Good Works
Aug 01, 2021For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
Life as a Christian is not a spectator sport. God created each person on earth for a unique purpose.
You were not created to walk through your days breathing, eating and just being. You were created by God before you were even born for a special role. You have been given special abilities and talents to use in his kingdom.
He prepared you beforehand to serve others with your life.
It is easy to look at others who are serving God in BIG ways and then downplay your role. Each person is called to be a light of Christ. The light of Christ can be bright and magnificent like a crystal chandelier or like a simple night light. Both give light in the darkness. Both are essential and fill a distinct need.
God doesn’t rank us in order of importance. God endowed you with a specific set of gifts and talents to share with others. By sharing these gifts you are ministering to the Body of Christ. Your gifts bring light into someone else’s darkness.
As a Catholic Life Coach, I have the privilege to help others uncover their unique gifts and talents. So many times my clients downplay their role because they see their abilities as insignificant compared to others. They think they aren’t needed or that someone else is better suited than them. Often they allow fear to stop them from realizing their full potential.
If you are reading this, YOU have a unique set of gifts that are needed in the world. Don't hide them under insecurity or self-doubt. Where do you feel called to serve? Spend time in prayer asking God HOW he can use you right now.
Use your unique gifts to serve others. Go be a light for Christ!