#3 Grateful For Fleas!

In this episode we will examine why gratitude is so important. Does an attitude of gratitude come naturally for you? Do you find yourself being grateful for the good things in your life without being grateful for your struggles and difficulties? I will share the story of Corrie ten Boom and how she was grateful to God even in the worst of conditions. As a Catholic Life Coach, I will share the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual benefits of gratitude. You will understand why gratitude for all things is an important daily practice. 


About the Host

Jennie is the founder of the Catholic Life Coach Academy. The Academy is designed to equip and encourage Catholic women to create strong connections in their faith, within themselves, in their marriages and other important relationships so that they can lead happy, healthy, holy lives. Jennie teaches life coaching concepts through the lens of Scripture, Church teachings and the lives of the saints. The Academy offers group coaching and one-on-one coaching designed to help women discover their authentic God-given purpose.  www.catholiclifecoachacademy.com