#48 Searching In All The Wrong Places

Life is about searching for meaning so that life matters. It is often in the searching that you discover who you are, who God calls you to be and your unique purpose. Searching can be fruitful and inspiring, but other times it can seem empty and hollow. It is important to know what you are searching for and why.  

We are each born with a hole in our hearts that only God can fill, yet we try to fill the God sized hole with things that won’t work like power, money, worthiness, seeking approval from others, accumulating material goods, food or drinks, friendships and so on. As I read the list something may have come to mind for you. Think about the times in your life that you tried to fill that hole with the wrong things and how it might have felt good for a brief moment or two but then the God sized hole was empty again which left you feeling empty, lost and confused. It sent you back out into your life searching again for something to fill what was missing in your life. 

In this podcast, Jennie shares how she tried to fill the God sized hole in her heart with the approval of others, busyness and food. These efforts only made her feel even more empty as she yearned for more. 

So my friends, what are you searching for? What is it in your life that you use to try and fill your God-sized hole?  If you aren’t sure, then ask God. Ask him to reveal himself to you. Ask him to show you the star so that it can lead you on your journey. Life is about searching for meaning so that life matters. It is often in the searching that you discover who you are, who God calls you to be and your unique purpose. 


Jennie is a Catholic speaker, Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville Catholic Radio, and founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26 years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to serve in a new way. In her new ministry as a Catholic Life Coach, she now equips and encourages middle-life moms to reconnect with who they are and their unique God-given purpose so they can MAGNIFY Christ in their corner of the world.