#57 The Journey To The Mountain Top
We are so blessed in Nashville to have Radnor Lake in the middle of our city. I am extra blessed because this state park is within 5 minutes of my house. Walking around Radnor Lake is one of my happy places. It is a time for me to enjoy God’s beautiful creation, pray and reconnect with myself. I love the quiet and hearing the sound of nature all around me. Recently, I was hiking up Gainer Ridge which is a 1.5 mile path to the top of the ridge. It is a pretty strenuous hike. As I was climbing up, I was reminded of the recent Gospel reading about the Transfiguration. I was thinking about Peter, James and John following Jesus up the side of the mountain. I wondered if their legs were burning like mine? I wondered if they had to pause for a minute and catch their breath? I wondered if they had thoughts like, are we ever going to get there? Or this is really hard…where is Jesus taking us?
The climb to the top of the mountain or the hill in front of you always includes discomfort and quite possibly discouragement.
Being a follower of Jesus isn’t always easy. Trusting in him and his goodness in times of suffering, uncertainty or in the face of fear can be difficult. Making the climb out of the valley is never fun,but the climb to the top is part of the journey, in fact it is the most important part of the journey. It is through the trials and struggles that you learn to appreciate the mountain top moments.
As much as we would like to live on the top of the mountain in those moments like Peter, James and John experienced in the transfiguration, that wouldn’t be practical. Life is full of ups and downs. In order to appreciate the mountain top moments, you also have to have periods of your life where you are stuck in the valley or slowly climbing up the side of the mountain. The pains, struggles, challenges and suffering in the valley and in the climb are what allow you to experience the transfiguration. Those feelings allow you to be grateful for the moments that you have clarity, peace and joy.
Listen to learn more about how to handle discouragement in your life!
Jennie is a Catholic speaker, Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville Catholic Radio, and founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26 years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to serve in a new way. In her new ministry as a Catholic Life Coach, she now equips and encourages middle-life moms to reconnect with who they are and their unique God-given purpose so they can MAGNIFY Christ in their corner of the world.