#143 An Examination of Heart

In this week’s show, I’m sharing something a little different for Lent—an examination of the heart. We’re used to hearing about an examination of conscience, but this goes even deeper. Lent is more than just fasting, prayer, and almsgiving; it’s also an invitation to slow down and take a hard look at what’s really in our hearts. Sometimes, without even realizing it, we carry around old wounds—some fresh, some buried beneath years of busyness, distractions, and taking care of everyone else. But God wants to bring those wounds into the light and heal them.

I’ll walk you through five steps to help you recognize what’s weighing on your heart and bring it to God for healing. I’ve worked with so many women who feel stuck in guilt, regret, betrayal or unworthiness—maybe that sounds familiar to you, too. The truth is, we don’t have to carry this heaviness alone. Healing starts when we get honest with ourselves and with God. It’s not always easy, but I promise, there is so much freedom, peace, and joy on the other side.

We’re also going to talk about forgiveness—yeah, that tough one! It’s not about pretending the hurt didn’t happen, but about letting go so it doesn’t have power over us anymore. I’ll also share how the sacraments—especially confession and the Eucharist—have been such a huge part of my own healing journey. If you’ve been feeling weary, distant from God, or just weighed down, this episode is for you. So grab your journal, find a quiet place, and let’s walk through this Lenten reflection together. God is waiting to meet you right where you are, and I can’t wait to share this with you.

Jennie Guinn is a Catholic speaker, Life Coach, Podcaster, Weekly Radio Show Host on Nashville Catholic Radio and Radio Maria USA, and the founder of Catholic Moms in the Middle. After 26 years of working in Catholic education, Jennie felt God calling her "to step out of the boat" to serve in a new way. In her new ministry, she equips and encourages middle-life women to encounter the love of the Father and to be transformed and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit so they can MAGNIFY Christ in their corner of the world.